Joseph Montecillo's Best of the Month (March 2023)
From Revolution to the first half of WrestleMania weekend, it's a big month in wrestling!
Honorable Mentions
Rina Yamashita vs. Casey Kirk (GCW 3/4/23)
Kzy & BIG BOSS Shimizu vs. Yuki Yoshioka & Madoka Kikuta (Dragongate 3/5/23)
Aeroboy vs. Judas el Traidor (Lucha Memes 3/5/2023)
Kota Minoura & Minorita vs. Kaito Nagano & Yoshiki Kato (Dragongate 3/11/23)
Black Panther & Blue Panther vs. Panterita del Ring & Panterita del Ring Jr. (CMLL 3/16/23)
Timothy Thatcher vs. Dominic Garrini (AIW 3/24/23)
Daniel Makabe vs. Cody Chhun (NEW 3/23/23)
Adam Priest vs. Jackson Drake (DPW 3/26/23)
Kota Ibushi vs. Mike Bailey (GCW 3/30/23)
Athena vs. Emi Sakura (ROH 3/30/23)
Wheeler YUTA vs. Katusyori Shibata (ROH 3/31/23)
Minorita vs. Jason Lee (Dragongate 3/4/23)
Exactly the kind of match that has made Dragongate so watchable in the late half of 2022, and now into 2023. A short, compact bout that sees two of the more exciting young members of the roster show their stuff. Minorita is an incredibly charming undersized babyface that has an array of hope-inducing flash pinfalls and aerial offense, while Jason Lee has quietly been making a name for himself as part of the excellent Kung Fu Masters team alongside Jacky “Funky” Kamei. Together, they create a fun and breezy title match that has some surprisingly tense nearfalls, even knowing the results going in.
Rating: ****
Timothy Thatcher vs. Mike Bailey (West Coast Pro 3/4/23)
Timothy Thatcher can make himself seem like one of the smartest and most exciting wrestlers in the world via inaction as well as action. In this case, smartly going for Speedball’s arm instead of falling into the standard Speedball leg match improves this greatly. Thatcher’s performance in this is wonderful, a real smothering, brutal performance that picks away at Bailer with equal measures precision and malice. This was also one of Speedball’s best performances of late, as well. The arm selling is there, but it doesn’t come at the cost of his spectacular, explosive high flying. This gives the match a strong narrative focus for Thatcher while allowing Speedball his wild cut offs and comebacks.
Rating: ****
Jon Moxley vs. Hangman Page (AEW 3/5/23)
Sometimes, the only way to go is up. Where the February bout between these two introduced clever new in-ring wrinkles, the blow off in the Texas Death match decides to blow the whole thing up in a beautiful showcase of hardcore stylings and blood. It’s not just the presence of gimmicky, but also the choice of and application of said gimmickry. Mox stomping in Hangman’s hands with bricks is disgusting, as is most of the barbed wire work like Hangman wrapping himself in wire and moonsaulting onto Mox. It’s a match that gets by on the magnitude of its brutality. When Mox stabs Hangman’s face repeatedly with a fork, I cringe like it’s Homicide in Cage of Death all over again.
Even better is how the weaponry plays into the finish. Mox loses himself in a show of machismo, wrapping the chain about his own neck, unwittingly setting up the finish that sees him hang from it like a noose. It’s a great karmic blow off, seeing Mox fall prey to the same kind of minor slip that cost Hangman in February, only for Hangman to seal the deal with a far more decisive and brutal win. Pitch perfect way to cap off what was already the best feud on TV for the last four months. (Edit: Or is it?!)
Rating: ****1/2
Timothy Thatcher vs. Wheeler YUTA (ROH 3/9/23)
A very tidy sequel to their match from BEYOND last year. Like a kid stuffed into formal clothes, this is a little more presentable but a little less vibrant. This probably has a much neater structure than the former, a lot of that owing to the TV setting as well as the pure rules stipulation. It’s a very straightforward dueling arm work match, but done with the delightful sense of struggle and technique that these two convey so well. This also gives a little more narrative to chew on with YUTA’s continued heel turn, utilizing a sneaky closed fist to set up his victory. Predictably great stuff.
Rating: ****
Athena vs. Willow Nightingale (ROH 3/9/23)
Now, something surprisingly great!
As much as I enjoy Willow as an innately likeable babyface that has an easy time getting crowds invested in her, I rarely ever find her matches to be great. This match was great. Mechanically, all of Willow’s power moves hit flush, and her likeable nature is put to good use selling one of the best beatings she’s ever taken.
Enough mincing words though, all this is because Athena puts in astonishing performance. The kind of confident, brutal, bullying performance in control that could make anyone pause for a moment and consider, “Is this the best women’s wrestler in the world today?” She really just might be once that bell rings. She’s vicious in this, not only battering Willow with strikes, but gouging at her eyes, and maliciously thrashing the larger woman about. On a night with Thatcher and YUTA in pure rules, Athena steals the show.
Rating: ****
Matt Tremont vs. Tank (ICW:NHB 3/11/23)
Real big fight feel to this deathmatch, amplified by having two workers that know how to let things breathe between the ropes. It’s not a wild onslaught of violence, but something with a more steady pacing and progression. It starts with punches that are awesome and guides you wonderfully to the point that they’re taking turns headbutting lighttubes into each other’s skulls. Tremont’s just a tour de force in matches like these, combining the already grotesque violence with a Funk-esque approach to his expressions and selling.
Rating: ****
Masha Slamovich vs. Mike Bailey (GCW 3/19/23)

Much like the Thatcher match, a Bailey match that stands out for how it contrasts his recent work. In this, we get a taste of the more heel, bully Speedball that we saw against Lee Moriarty last year. Not only that, but a heel with some fun ideas too like constructing much of their control around the catapult. There’s also all the fun ring destruction stuff which I’ll always advocate for and Masha dumping Speedball clean on his head. I wish Speedball sold that grotesque bump a little longer though, but what can you do?
Rating: ****
Arisa Nakajima vs. Ayame Sasamura (SEAdLINNNG 3/20/23)
A neat twist on the Arisa bully formula here with Ayame attacking right at the bell. That’s always a great way to start things off, it kicks the match off at a high and it promises greater delights once the escalation starts setting in. For what it’s worth, the ambush and her mechanical execution makes Ayame a fun and believable challenge—if not exactly threat—to the Beyond the Sea Champion here. It’s a strong performance from the younger woman, but the real joy is in seeing Arisa bully her back into her place.
Rating: ****
Demus vs. Wotan (Zona 23 3/26/23)
One of those classic scraps from Mexico that’s just packed to the brim with sicko shit: dirt, big punches, furious knees to the groin, and blood. This isn’t a detail oriented match, it’s one where the atmosphere and violence does all the work. Strap in, roll in the dirt, and enjoy the sickness.
Rating: ****1/4
Violence is Forever vs. The Workhorsemen (DPW 3/26/23)
Just absolutely fucking excellent. They don’t try too much in this and stick to what works: blood and ass beatings. Much of the match is dominated by an extended heat segment where Henry & Drake just beat the ever living crap out of Ku & Garrini. The Workhorsemen might just be the only team on the indie circuit right now to make such a beating believable. Not only that, they make it seems like a logical conclusion. Of course someone as vicious as Henry or as massive and powerful as Drake wouldn’t have trouble with these self-styled Final Bosses. In that sense, it’s the first real truly compelling test of VIF’s abilities in a long time, and it makes their victory coming from a brief lapse in concentration from the Workhorsemen all the sweeter. The best match in DPW history, and I’m fired up for the rematches that the post-match angle promise.
Rating: ****1/4
Josh Barnett vs. Timothy Thatcher (GCW 3/30/23)
Snug, hard nosed grappling is the order of the day for these two. It’s a match that demands full attention as every moment sees them struggling and fighting for the smallest bit of control. It’s all about capturing a limb, slipping out as quick as possible, and getting back on the offense. It’s a constant fight in there, not conducted with fists and elbows (for the most part), but with leverage and technique. Cherry on top of it all is Thatcher getting the big win, snapping Barnett’s undefeated streak. Long live the new Bloodsport king.
Rating: ****
Claudio Castagnoli vs. Eddie Kingston (ROH 3/31/23)
It’s a special thing when all-time greats are given the freedom and space to expand upon their rich history. The story of Eddie Kingston vs. Claudio Castagnoli has always been one of emotion matching up against ability. Eddie’s often relied on frustrating Claudio to open him up for attack, but at the same time, that aggression has often left Eddie open to be exploited as well. Such was the story yet again here with Eddie getting too in his own head, clouded by anger, whereas Claudio remained cool enough to execute a simple plan—use his strength to demolish Eddie’s body. I could go on, but this is a match clearly great enough that I know I’ll be talking about it a million times more in the future, so I’ve got to leave a little something on the table. Easily, some of the best wrestling of the decade.
Rating: ****1/2